
Hello, my name is Hamish and Robot vs Bear is my playground.

An Industrial Designer by trade. Professionally, I create objects that function and solve problems. Here, I bring to life characters and stories that live in my head, many of them dysfunctional by nature.

Born and raised in the UK, I moved to the good ole' US of A in 2006 where I live with my wife Colleen. I have been sketching many of these characters for over a decade now and some of them even got into a semi-illustrated state and hung on the walls of our various apartments. Many of my friends have commented that I should sell them, so here we are. 

The first batch is polished up and printed on some nice Moab Entrada paper. The series is called the 'Everyday Adventurers' and is the first installment in what I hope to be many. Coming up next are a couple more called 'Unsportsman-like Conduct' and the title track 'Robot vs Bear'. 

I hope you like what I have so far and I appreciate you stopping by. If you have any comments, requests, hints, recipes or interesting facts please feel free to contact me.

Take it easy.
